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I. Introduction

These Terms and Conditions (“Terms and Conditions”) regulate the relationships of parties to a purchase contract between

CHRONO 10:10 S.R.O.

Reg. No. 073 58 571, VAT No. CZ 073 58 571

with its registered office at Dlouhá 733/29, Nové Město

Město, 110 00 Praha 1

registered in the Commercial Register with the Municipal

Court in Prague, File No. C298746,

(„Chrono 10:10“ or „the Seller“)

and the purchaser (“Purchaser”).

For detailed information about the Seller please visit

A purchaser is a natural person in the position of a consumer, an enterprising natural person, or a legal person.

A consumer is a natural person acting privately, without any commercial purpose.

An entrepreneur is a natural or legal person, acting with any commercial purpose.

The Purchaser, being a legal person, is always presumed to act as the Entrepreneur unless explicitly proved otherwise.

The Purchaser, being a natural person, indicates whether acts as a consumer of an entrepreneur by presence or absence of business registration and/or VAT registration number when making an order with the Seller.

By making any order, the Purchaser confirms being completely familiar with these Terms and Conditions.

The Purchaser acknowledges that the registered trademarks, trade names, company logos, etc. of the Seller are subject of exclusive usage of the Seller and cannot be used by any third party without prior written authorization at all.

Any potential Purchaser can get familiar with these Terms and Conditions online via this link:

Any potential Purchaser can obtain full copy of the actual Terms and Conditions per email request:

II. Specific information for the consumers
The Purchaser is required to pay the purchase price before receiving the goods ordered from the Seller unless a different specific case-related arrangement is agreed upon in writing.
The parties can agree on advance payment or partial advance payment in cases when appropriate or suitable.
The parties can agree on payment cash on delivery (C.O.D.) to the delivery service staff when appropriate or suitable.
If the product is not available immediately, the Purchaser acknowledges that any his payment is considered for advance payment and/or reservation fee and will be fully counted on the retail price or returned to the Purchaser, if the desired product will be unavailable.
Unless specifically mentioned, the prices for products displayed on the website operated by the Seller are incl. domestic (CZ) VAT. No foreign taxes and duties are included at all.
Shipping costs are always subject to separate arrangements and are never included in the displayed price.
A purchaser in the position of a consumer (applicable for the territory of EU only) may withdraw from the agreement (unless otherwise stipulated below) within 14 days commencing on the day of receiving the goods (purchase agreements); provided:
  • The was purchased as generic
  • The product was not consumed, even partially
  • The product was not obtained for the customer per specific order as a unique specimen from the third party
  • The product was not repaired/processed/renowed or otherwise altered per a specific requirement of the consumer
  • The product has no signs of usage resp. its condition was not changed
  • The product is not damaged or altered in any way
The Purchaser has to return the product the the Seller in sufficient and safe package. If the condition of the returned product got worse and the product need maintenance and/or cleaning or other restoration in the previous condition etc. the costs of such procedures will be billed to the Purchaser.
The costs incurred in association with returning the goods to the Seller (withdrawn agreements)/costs of returning the goods other than by ordinary delivery services agreed with the Seller are borne by the Purchaser, unless approved by the Seller in the advance.
For the products exceeding the retail price CZK 5000 resp. EUR 200, the appropriate delivery service including delivery confirmation service and full value insurance has to be used, unless agreed otherwise.
In the case of pre-orders, the Purchaser understands that the final price of the desired product may change. The Seller will inform the Purchaser about the final price to get the final purchase confirmation. The purchase price of the goods will be determined after the goods will be under the control of the Seller. Any difference between the estimated price and the purchase price will be refunded by the Seller or the Purchaser will pay the difference before the delivery of the goods unless the Purchaser decides to cancel the pre-order if this was specifically made as tentative. All pre-orders are considered binding unless agreed otherwise.
III. the Contract
1. Execution
An order is effective when the Purchaser communicate the order to the Seller. The Purchaser may use the services of personnel of the Seller via email or phone or any similar distant communication tools. The Purchaser has to check all the details of his order carefully before its confirmation. The purchase agreement is entered into upon the moment the order submitted by a Purchaser is received by the Seller.
The Purchaser is informed about the executed contract in a confirmation e-mail letter sent by the Seller to the e-mail address provided by the Purchaser in the order.
The confirmation email letter is sent along with these Terms and Conditions. The executed agreement can be changed or canceled by the agreement of both the parties or in cases stipulated by law.
2. Delivery
Under the purchase agreement, the Seller will deliver the product to the Purchaser, unless a personal pick up in the premises of the Seller is required.
The Purchaser shall acquire the ownership of the product only after the purchase price has been paid in full.
The Seller will not start delivery of the product unless the full purchase price has been paid, unless explicitly agreed otherwise.
3. Warranty, risk of damage and liability
The Seller confirms that the goods indicated as new are free from defects. In particular, the Seller guarantees to the Purchaser that, at the moment the goods are received by the Purchaser. The goods have the characteristics announced by the Seller. The goods comply with the requirements stipulated by law. The warranty period for purchasers-consumers under the EU jurisdiction is 2 years according to the Civil Code for new products and 1 year for products offered as used. The warranty period for purchasers-entrepreneurs may be different; the different warranty period, however, applies only if explicitly stated and is applied with a priority.
The Purchaser has to examine the goods, its characteristics and quantity as soon as feasible after the risk of damage to the goods passes to the Purchaser. The Purchaser is obliged to inform the Seller about any detected defects and deficiencies without undue delay.
The risk of damage passes to the Purchaser upon accepting the goods in question; the same applies also to cases where the Purchaser rejects to accept the goods although having the possibility to do so.
4. Available claims
If the product fail to meet the announced qualities within the specified period and such defect prevent the usual usage of the product, it constitutes a serious breach of the agreement, the Purchaser may and can:
  • have the defect removed by being delivered a new defect-free product, if available
  • have the defect removed by repair
  • be given a reasonable discount on the purchase price
  • withdraw from the agreement.
When claiming the defect in question, the Purchaser informs the Seller as to which of the aforementioned options the Purchaser has selected and does so either immediately or without undue delay thereafter whereby the selected option can be then changed only if so approved by the Seller.
In addition to cases where the Seller cannot deliver a new product/its part, repair the product, the Purchaser may and can claim a reasonable discount from the retail price or withdraw from the contract.
If the product fail to meet the announced qualities within the specified period and such defect does not prevent the usual usage of the product, it constitutes a non-serious breach of the agreement, the Purchaser may and can:
  • have the defect removed by being delivered a new defect-free product, if available
  • be given a reasonable discount on the purchase price
If improper performance constitutes other than material breach, the Purchaser may and can have the defect removed or be given a reasonable discount on the purchase price.
If the Purchaser has not claimed the discount on the purchase price or withdraws from the agreement yet, the Seller may always deliver the missing parts or remove the legal defect. Other defects can be removed either by repair or delivery of a new goods.
If the Seller fails to remove the defect in due course or refuses to remove the defect, the Purchaser may claim a reasonable discount on the purchase price or withdraw from the agreement whereby the selected option can then be changed only if so approved by the Seller.
If the product cannot be used because of a repeated occurrence of the defect after repair (third claim of the same defect) or a larger number of defects (at least three defects at the same time), in such cases, the Purchaser may and can withdraw from the agreement.
V. Personal Data Protection and Security
The rules regarding personal data protection can be find here (link), being binding for the Seller and Purchaser.
VI. Miscellaneous provisions
The mutual relations and any possible disputes arising from the contract between the Seller and the Purchaser shall be negotiated preferably amicably, and only if such negotiation would fail, it shall be judicially solved exclusively under the law of the Czech Republic and shall be decided by the competent courts of the Czech Republic. The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods shall not be used.
The Purchaser-consumer may contact use the extrajudicial non judicial procedure, i.e. of the Czech Trade Inspection as mentioned here.
The agreement is entered into in the Czech language. If the agreement is required to be translated for the Purchaser into another language, the Czech version prevails in case of discrepancies between the two language versions.
Information on the processing and protection of personal data

CHRONO 10:10 S.R.O.

Reg. No. 073 58 571, VAT No. CZ 073 58 571

with its registered office at Vodičkova 710/31, 1 Nové Měst

Město, 110 00 Praha 1

registered in the Commercial Register with the Municipal

Court in Prague, File No. C298746,

(„Chrono 10:10“ or „the Seller“)

and the purchaser (“Purchaser”).

Is the operator of the website (hereinafter referred to as the “website”), being obliged as a personal data controller to protect the processed personal data and to comply with obligations arising from legal regulations concerning processing and protection of personal data.

The Seller provides its customers and website visitors with information on the processing and protection of personal data, in particular how the Seller handles personal data, for what purposes it uses, to whom it provides them and what are the individual rights of the persons whose personal data are processed (so-called data subjects).

Processing without consent
The Seller is entitled to process personal data for the following purposes without consent:
  • To meet of rights and obligations arising from concluded contracts and / or orders made by the customer - personal data are processed for the duration of rights and obligations under the purchase contract ( orders), but for a maximum of 5 years; in the event that the customer does not provide The Seller with the personal data necessary for the conclusion and performance of the contract concluded on the basis of the customer's order, the order will not be accepted and the contract between the customer and The Seller will not arise;
  • To maintain the proper functioning of the website;
  • To maintain the protection of persons and property in the premises of the Seller
  • To keep the Seller 'legitimate interests (i. e. to process for statistical purposes)
  • To assure compliance with the obligations imposed on the Seller by law
Processing limited by the consent
In the rest cases, the Seller can process the data only on the basis of granted consents to the processing of personal data.
In such a case, The Seller processes personal data for the purposes and for the period expressed individually in each consent separately.
By providing the data to the Seller, the consent for procession of such data is given for the purpose, for which the data were provided. No one is obliged to give consent with processing of the data, where not providing such consent may prevent the Seller to provide some products/services.
Transfer of personal data
The Seller may transfer personal data to third parties only:
  • under the conditions stipulated by law;
  • if the handover is necessary to ensure the fulfillment of the concluded contracts and orders and/or the proper functioning of the website;
  • other persons under the conditions specified in any consent granted to the processing of personal data
To the extent necessary, personal data may be transferred in particular to suppliers of the Seller for the purpose of management of the services of the Seller, i. e. IT service providers, where the Seller hereby undertake to assure the protection of the data at least on the same standard there.
Protection of personal data
High level technical and personal security measures implemented by the Seller are used to protect the personal data processed by the Seller from unauthorized manipulation, loss, destruction or access by unauthorized persons.
The Seller is constantly developing and improving its security measures in line with technological developments.
Personal data processing rights
Every person has the right to access their personal data possessed by the Seller, namely in order to
  • to correct incorrect personal data
  • to delete personal data, when there is no more legitimate reason to keep/process it
  • to limit the processing of personal data, when there is legitimate reason to limit the procession
  • to claim transfer of personal data to another manager, when possible
The above rights can be exercised in written on the email address:

The supervisory body of the public administration of the Czech Republic in the area of personal data protection is the Office for Personal Data Protection with its registered office in Lt. Col. Sochora 27, postal code 170 00, Prague 7,


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Prague, Czech Republic


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